Mobikom Bulgaria discover how to thrive as a marketer, Leadership & Governance

Mobikom Bulgaria discover how to thrive as a marketer in a world where everything is digital, Leadership & Governance.

We at Mobikom Bulgaria are a consulting company specialised in the fields of data protection. CRM, ERP designed just for Consulting companies.

Leadership & Governance

Stoyan Stoyanov is the president and CEO of the Mobikom Bulgaria. In that role, he is a participant on the board of Dobruja Media Group, which meets regularly to set the direction of the group policy. He also oversees the Group District, including activities at the headquarters and its branches. Stoyan Stoyanov is an economist and inovator, and his positions are founded on research-based thinking and an intellectual openness to new theories and explanations. He is often an early voice for change. Of note:
Stoyanov is active in the community. He is the manager and co-editor of the Journals. more soon A native of Dobrich, Bulgaria, Stoyan Stoyanov discontinued his doctorate in economics for health reasons. He holds Bachelor of Tourism Studies degrees in Tourism as organization and management of tourist services from Varna University of Management in Albena, Bulgaria and Hospitality option marketing and hospitality management from "PAUL AUGIER" Ecole hôtelière de l'excellence in Nice, France
Bachelor of Science degrees in economics and in company management and controlling from "Dimitar A. Tsenov" Academy of Economics in Svishtov, Bulgaria

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